i know that it's been a long time and all, but i do have reasons. not that i have to explain myself but then again, i am busy. gosh, running around means really running around. these past few months have been hectic.last few weeks for example, a friend of mine arrived in singapore for a visit. and at the same time, my father had fallen ill. i have to say, we were pretty shock cause he's always been the strong one. not until april. took him to the hospital and we were pretty quick or otherwise the result would not been that good.
it caught me by surprise cause i have forgotten everything else i needed to do. i even fell sick. i think it's from all the running around and traveling to the hospital and all that. through that course of ordeal, i have missed my so call graduation, my first class to a new course that i picked up, appointments (thanks to my blackberry for all the reminders!)birthdays, photo-shoot and pitching apts.
i do hope things would get better in the near future and would fall into place. like, it was like a bad dream waking up to the news and hearing car prices have shot up because of the COE hike. jeeeezzzzz, it's not that public transport is cheap either in this island!
anyhoos, i got to make myself better these days to look after my old parents cause i haven't been well. it must be the weather too..... my immune system is breaking down and i know why. it's because i don't get that much time out to run or do my excercise!!!! oh gosh, i really hope things would get better for us and for me too. and hope my exams would be a breeze. i really want this so bad..... so so so badly!!!!
oh please god, i wanted this for the longest time. pleas please.......
for something i feel right at the moment..... this shot was done long time ago and please ignore the annotations.
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