Tuesday, February 26, 2008

bon voyage

just last weekend, i had played tennis twice, gone to the gym and plus get to the studio. and yes, the weekend is just to short. all week, i work looking forward for the weekends to do stuffs i want. oh yes, manage to catch tan ngiap heng's pictures too at the arts house. this weekend is his last run there.

speaking of running, i think this machine needs some lubrication and some time out. lately i've been getting pains on the knees and my hips. time to seek some professional help. 

got to the studio with the band and they were in the midst of recording. glad i was part of their creative process. i like the energy that they have and most of all the one thing that should have is this thing call 'DESIRE'. yes, desire. ok guys, looking forward for the release!!!!!!

i actually don't know if i have already posted this picture. it's taken in KL MidValley and i like this place. but i have to say, some of the ingredients there is not complete. maybe i'm fussy about my food. but anyways, what's on the plate is duck wrap and beef curry wrap in batter. i have to be honest, i haven't been to that part of KL ever before in my life.

two friends of mine who's from zaha hadid's office gave me a suprise visit. glad to see them and of course they didn't come all the way from the english shores just to see me..... how sad.. but, am so looking forward to this weekend. yes, and there's a pre demolition party!!!!!! cool, i can't wait.

to the guys from the band who haven't got a name for themselves, bon voyage and see you guys in june for the release!


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